We are all students in life.
Tell us your story.
Arnie Lee
Managing Partner, VP of Partnership Development
Arnie has been in education in New York Metro Area for the past 10 years. He most recently served as a program consultant for NYEG, providing workshops, seminars and intensive classes in various public and charter schools in NYC such as P.S.180, P.S.345, P.S./M.S.57, Bed Stuy New Beginnings Charter School, Atmosphere Academy Charter School, New York French American Charter School and more.
From Seoul, he went through the South Korean school system from K through University (Korea Univ.), as well as a Canadian elementary school, a British middle school, a US high school, and an Australian University (UNSW), until he got his MFA in NYC (Actors Studio Drama School at Pace Univ.) He is the quintessential third-culture kid who understands the relocating clients’ excitement as well as angst.